When your mechanic says you need a replacement car radiator, you might be inclined to purchase a used unit to save a few hundred dollars. If you decide to purchase one, be sure to check for rust and signs of corrosion on the interior. Additionally, look for stripped paint as this is a telltale sign of a leaky radiator. If all that seems like too much trouble, you might be better off purchasing a brand new radiator. Fortunately, new car radiators are not as expensive as they used to be. Many dealers, such as Radiator.com, offer high-quality replacement units for an affordable price. Some dealers even offer same-day delivery and installation services. If you are strictly on a tight budget, you might also want to try saving on labor fees by installing your new radiator yourself. All you need to do is bleed out the coolant from the existing radiator and unhook the component from the car.
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