
Friday, February 21, 2014

Useful Tips on How to Inspect Your Car’s Radiator Hoses for Problems

Testing the Lower Hose

    Squeeze the lower radiator hose while at the same time feeling its circumference, paying particular attention to areas that are hard to see. Engine oils and road grime often tend to build up in one particular area, caused by the fan and pulleys slinging these contaminates against these areas. The lower hose will feel much more rigid because of a steel spring embedded inside the hose. Replace the hose if any failures are indicated during the inspection.”

If any of the hoses need replacement, you can order new ones from a reputable seller of radiators and radiator parts like Once the new hoses arrive, compare them with the ones that have been removed to ensure they are of the correct diameter and length. One thing to remember: If the removed hoses are the molded type, the replacements must also have the same preformed curve.


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