
Monday, April 7, 2014

Check Your Car Radiator for Damage Signs After Any Traffic Accident

Obviously, such a problem is undetectable unless the battery is given a closer look. The same can be said when diagnosing radiator problems, which could also result from a front-end collision. This is unsurprising since most radiators are situated at the very front of the engine compartment. If a mechanic deems that the unit is no longer salvageable, then the owner has no other choice but to purchase a brand-new car radiator from retailers like 1-800-Radiator.

Buying and installing a replacement unit usually solves most radiator problems. However, there are problems that don’t directly involve the unit itself. For example, a faulty thermostat can also cause “radiator problems” even though it is not a component of the radiator. If the thermostat is broken, it can’t signal the radiator to cool the engine down at the appropriate time, thus causing the engine to overheat.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

It’s Not Just Carroll, MD That Needs Working Car Radiators in Winter

Care for a car radiator deserves special emphasis because car radiators are actually very vulnerable to extreme heat and cold, despite their purpose of regulating engine temperature. There are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to “winterizing” a car radiator. For example, if it doesn’t have sufficient amounts of antifreeze or coolant, the radiator would surely contribute to reduced car efficiency. Worse cases will devolve into major mechanical failures that can only be fixed by buying replacement car radiators from retailers like 1-800-Radiator.

One way to minimize these instances is for drivers to perform regular maintenance checks on their radiators before setting off. A “radiator flush” is arguably the most important of them all because it ensures that the radiator is in top shape and clean from any deposits of dirt that would otherwise clog the entire unit.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ice Not Nice: Buying Spare Radiators for Sale after Freezing Issues

To prevent the water inside radiators from freezing, a good amount of antifreeze needs to be combined with the liquid. If motorists fail to add an adequate amount of antifreeze, the resulting frost that forms within the radiator can cause serious internal damage to the entire assembly, as well as worsen engine heating problems. Motorists should purchase new radiators for sale should theirs eventually break down due to the frost.

The cooling systems of automobiles are vulnerable when exposed to extremely cold weather. The ice that forms within radiators at the lack of antifreeze can restrict the fluid’s flow to the engine, causing the engine to overheat and potentially stall. If the icy conditions exacerbate further, the solidified fluid inside the radiator units can expand and rupture the tubes of the assembly, permanently disabling the systems.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Keeping Cool: Properly Servicing a Critically Damaged Car Radiator

Cars shouldn’t be driven around if their radiators are either broken down or leaking too much coolant fluid. Not all motorists will be as fortunate as the drivers featured in the aforementioned article, and some will find themselves unable to use their automobiles due to a badly damaged radiator. In the event that a vehicle’s cooling system finally gives way, a motorist should be prepared to purchase a replacement radiator.

A broken or leaking radiator will be unable to stabilize a car’s inner temperatures. High heat caused by combustion and friction within engines can put thermal strain upon the mechanisms, potentially warping and destroying the delicate parts. Cars devastated this way are sidelined permanently, and will cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars to replace.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Keep Car Radiators in Good Shape with the Help of Regular Flushing

As the engine coolant circulates through the system, however, debris starts to build up inside car radiators. Similar to what happens with a clogged artery, less engine coolant can pass through a debris-filled radiator, and the component will not be able to cool your car as efficiently.

To address this issue, leading car radiator vendors like recommend flushing the system once every two years. In this process, the original coolant is drained first, and then a special mixture of coolant, detergent, and water is allowed to circulate through the system to dissolve build-ups. While motorists can flush radiators by themselves, they can also ask mechanics to perform the procedure for them.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Keeping It Cool: The Role of Auto Radiators in Preventing Overheating

This is where a reliable car radiator comes in. Your radiator is basically a heat exchanger through which the heated oil passes, and it’s designed as a labyrinth of chambers and folds to maximize its cooling ability. Furthermore, a fan blows through the system to accelerate heat dispersal.

Of course, auto radiators perform best when they are in good condition, and, if your car is constantly overheating and leaking coolant, it might be time to replace your radiator. Fortunately, retailers like offer same-day delivery of aftermarket radiators at very reasonable prices.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Buying New Car Radiators for Sale to Replace Frost-Damaged Components

Antifreeze is a must for vehicles being used in cold conditions, as the substance prevents the water within radiators from turning into ice. If the freezing is left unresolved, it can lead to serious engine damage. Motorists might have to buy new radiators for sale from shops like in order to replace frost-damaged systems and prevent further damage to their engines.

When the water freezes within a car’s cooling system, the expanding ice induces thousands of pounds of pressure that can burst parts of the radiator. Should this freezing reach the engine, it can cause even costlier damage. Motorists should preempt the damage and exchange their broken units for replacement auto radiators for sale, on top of changing their coolant fluid, before the engine itself breaks down.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Purchasing a Replacement Car Radiator After Serious Overheating

Radiators are essential components of any automobile. Without them, engines would break down from all the heat they generate. Coolant leakage and damage to the radiator can seriously impair the component’s function, increasing the risk of overheating. If the part sustains too much damage, motorists will have to replace their car radiator with an entirely new one.

They will also have to do this, as, over time, radiators risk losing their effectiveness and endangering the rest of an automobile’s engine. The hose that feeds liquid coolant from the radiator to the engine can deteriorate with age, causing leaks. Radiators that are heavily corroded are also in danger of leakage, and of reduced performance due to rust. In general, a damaged radiator shouldn’t be left in a car, and should be immediately and completely replaced by a convenient radiator shop like

Monday, March 10, 2014

Keeping the Rust away from the Radiator

Radiators can rust too. Owners of older cars should be wary of this and make sure to include regular radiator checking as part of their car maintenance, as neglect is usually the cause of radiator problems. Follow these tips to prevent and remove radiator rust as it happens. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Here’s Why You Want to Replace Your Radiator

Given enough time, nearly everything in your car will have to be replaced because of deterioration and/or poor performance. When it comes to your radiator, you’ll want to replace it for a number of reasons. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Repair a Car Radiator Leak Problem

Bear in mind that these listed tips are meant to present temporary solutions only. You will eventually have to replace your car radiator at some point. When you get around to it, be sure to purchase a quality replacement radiator to ensure durability.

You don’t have to worry about finding quality replacement car radiators, though. You can purchase one from reputable sellers like Such shops might also provide you the advice you need in order to better take care of your vehicle components and prevent the need for untimely repairs and replacements in the future.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Radiators for Sale: A Guide to Replacing Your Vehicle’s Radiator Fan

If you have this problem, chances are you have a malfunctioning radiator fan that needs to be replaced. You can order a radiator fan from reputable dealers of radiators for sale like You can then proceed to replace the component yourself with this step-by-step guide from

    “Remove the positive battery terminal and lay it aside. Do not remove the negative terminal only, as it could inadvertently touch metal and re-ground the battery.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Radiators for Sale: Tips on Replacing and Purchasing Heater Hoses

Replacing a heater hose can be quite simple on most cars. This is partly because this component is easily purchasable from shops with radiators for sale. Before you start replacing one, though, confirm that both ends of a heater hose are easily accessible. Then, study these tips on how to replace your radiator’s heater hose, courtesy of

“Place a drain pan or bucket under the radiator and drain the system by opening the petcock fitting near the bottom.

Buying the Right Kind of Radiator from an Online Shop

Nowadays you can shop online for just about anything, including a replacement radiator. However, the radiator shop might show you an array of replacement choices in spite of searching based on criteria. As a shortcut, try to find a radiator with the following qualities: 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Useful Tips on How to Inspect Your Car’s Radiator Hoses for Problems

Testing the Lower Hose

    Squeeze the lower radiator hose while at the same time feeling its circumference, paying particular attention to areas that are hard to see. Engine oils and road grime often tend to build up in one particular area, caused by the fan and pulleys slinging these contaminates against these areas. The lower hose will feel much more rigid because of a steel spring embedded inside the hose. Replace the hose if any failures are indicated during the inspection.”

If any of the hoses need replacement, you can order new ones from a reputable seller of radiators and radiator parts like Once the new hoses arrive, compare them with the ones that have been removed to ensure they are of the correct diameter and length. One thing to remember: If the removed hoses are the molded type, the replacements must also have the same preformed curve.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Importance of a Car Radiator

The importance of a car radiator is probably one of those things that cannot be emphasized enough. As a part of the vehicle’s cooling system, the radiator is critical to keeping the engine’s temperature under control. That, in turn, ensures the vehicle keeps going with minimal risk of the car overheating in transit.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Radiator’s Busted? Read Below to Find out Why

Every car relies on its radiator to keep the engine cool so that it doesn’t burn itself out on the road. As such, radiators need to be in good condition at all times to minimize the risks of a blowout, engine failure, or worse. A mechanic is usually the best person to diagnose a radiator problem, although there are certain telltale signs every vehicle owner would do well to keep in mind.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What to Do When Your Car’s Radiator Fails

Radiators might not look like much to the average car owner, yet these parts are nonetheless crucial to the operation of automotive engines. Without the cooling ability of radiators, car engines are bound to heat up quickly and succumb to damage. 
Steam issuing from under the vehicle hood as a result of overheating is often a sign of radiator trouble. However, forcing the engine to work under such conditions and with significantly reduced cooling ability will only result in heavy damage due to extreme heat. 
Rather than drive to the nearest auto repair shop while the engine is overheating, it would be wise to let the vehicle cool down for about 15 minutes. Thereafter, you can make temporary repairs to restore limited functionality to the radiator.

Coolant leaks, which are common causes of radiator malfunction, can be addressed in two ways. For instance, motorists can use duct tape on a leaky radiator hose. If the radiator itself is leaking, one can add a fair amount of pepper into the system as the granules can temporarily close off the leak. Once the engine has cooled down somewhat, one can then head safely to the nearest auto shop and ask for a new radiator.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Avoid Car Radiator Problems by Checking and Refilling Your Coolant

You should also never pour cold coolant into a hot engine. “Adding cold liquid to an engine that’s hot can crack the engine block because the hot metal contracts sharply when the cold liquid hits it,” says

If your car keeps overheating, your radiator assembly could be the problem. Have a technician confirm this, and purchase your replacement parts from reputable online auto radiator dealers such as

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Radiators for Sale and Other Related Parts: Replacing an A/C Condenser

If you’ve ever driven a car in the scorching summer heat without air conditioning, then you know how unpleasant the experience can be. Every driver knows that a functioning air conditioning system is an essential feature of any vehicle, and that one of the key components that keeps a car cool is the A/C condenser—a vehicle part that looks and functions a whole lot like car radiators for sale. If you would like to replace a faulty A/C condenser yourself, offers several tips per step of the process.

1. Recover the A/C system’s refrigerant.
Doing this requires the use of a recovery machine. If the refrigerant has already leaked out, you can skip this step. warns that you must be careful as you proceed with the recovery, as refrigerants can damage the ozone layer once released.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Radiators for Sale and Other Related Parts: Understanding Fan Clutches

If a fan clutch makes a loud noise when started cold, don’t worry, this is normal. Most fan clutches are already engaged on a cold startup to allow the fluid inside them to drain into the working area when the engine is off. At cold starts, it may take one to two minutes for a fan clutch to slow down.

If your car’s fan clutch is in need of replacement, online shops that sell well-made car radiators for sale, such as, are your best go-to resources. Remember to purchase replacement parts that are similar to the originals and are compatible with your vehicle. You may also ask dealers and mechanics for advice on how to properly maintain your new fan clutch.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Keeping Your Cool: How to Troubleshoot a Car Radiator Fan Problem

Fan clutch
The fan clutch secures the fan to the engine. Aside from that, it is what controls the fan’s speed to meet the engine’s cooling needs. If the fan clutch is faulty, a replacement part is necessary.

Should you ever need to replace any of these parts, know that online radiator shops such as can provide you with the auto part you need.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fixing a Leaky Plastic Radiator

With the right tools, fixing a leaky plastic radiator is an easy way to remedy radiator issues while waiting for a replacement radiator to arrive. The first step, of course, is to locate the source of the leak.
The most obvious sign of a leak is steam erupting from a certain area on the radiator. If you don’t notice anything of this sort, wash the radiator and the hoses clean, fill the radiator up and wait for it to dry, then start the engine. Pressure buildup in the system will make leaks appear as wet spots on the radiator.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

When You Should Replace Your Radiator

More often than not, people delay replacing damaged radiators due to the costs involved. However, there are times when replacements can turn out to be cheaper than repairs in the long run.

That concept holds true for car radiators. You can get by on many occasions with a simple repair, but if the radiator already needs frequent maintenance, you’re better off investing in a new radiator as the cost of repairs can add up very fast.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Signs Your Car Radiator Needs Replacing

Exposed to heat, thermal expansion and compression, water, corrosive chemicals, and other damaging factors, a car’s radiator is subject to a high risk of failure. A basic understanding of the warning signs that the radiator in your vehicle is about to fail can help you address the issue before it becomes a much bigger problem.
Leaking Coolant
A puddle of coolant in your garage or on your driveway may indicate a cracked radiator. If you chance upon one of these puddles under your car, a test performed by a professional mechanic may be warranted to determine where the leak is originating from.
If your vehicle develops a habit of constantly overheating, this may indicate a problem with the radiator. If you can’t seem to find any leaks, and the fluid levels in your radiator don’t drop, or you’ve checked the hoses and fittings for clogs, and you’re sure the radiator fan works, then a trip to your local repair shop for a radiator replacement may be just the thing it needs.
Murky, Sludgy Coolant
If, when flushing your radiator, you notice that the coolant you’ve drained out is rust- or oil-colored, then this is a sure sign of a rusty radiator. Once a vehicle develops this issue, a radiator replacement is almost certainly warranted—as no amount of flushing and cleaning can remedy a rusty radiator.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Advantage of Aluminum Car Radiators

Car technology has improved leaps and bounds over the years, leading to safer and more fuel efficient vehicles. No matter how advanced today’s automobiles are, however, one fact remains the same: all will succumb to overheating. Thankfully, all cars come equipped with radiators, a series of chambers where heated coolant is sent to be cooled down by a supercharged fan.

Strides in engine technology has made radiators more advanced too, with aluminum being the material of choice since the mid-80s. What are the benefits of an aluminum car radiator?

Lightweight Material
Aluminum is one of the lighter metals, making aluminum radiators easier to ship, install and replace. More importantly, it reduces the overall weight of your vehicle, which contributes to fuel efficiency, speed, and ease of steering.

More Efficient
Many argue that brass radiators conduct heat better than aluminum ones, which is technically true. However, what aluminum lacks in conductivity it makes up for with tensile strength, a property that allows larger tubes to be made. As such, more coolant can pass through at any given time, cooling the engine more efficiently.

Environmentally Friendly
Unlike paper or glass, metals can be recycled infinitely without diminishing their chemical properties. When it’s time to replace your aluminum radiator, it can be melted down and fashioned into another radiator or other aluminum products.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Too Much of a Cool Thing for Your Car Radiator

While not as commonly encountered as overheating, freezing problems can also lead to a broken radiator, or worse, car engine. Replacing a radiator is obviously the lesser of these two evils, which is actually easy when you know where to find quality units. Whether it's overheating or freezing, a broken radiator is simply a broken radiator and would need a good replacement either way. For those unsure of where to get the exact radiator for their cars, sites like are wonderfully convenient options to consider. These trusted radiator shops are able to provide replacement units to areas all over the country for cars of almost all models and makes. For a reasonable cost, you can also get your units delivered quickly in order to minimize the time that your car is unable to run. Whether in summer or winter, it's possible that your radiator could experience serious problems that could warrant a replacement. When that happens, you should already know where to go.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Know where radiators are for sale before you need it

If you've found yourself at the mercy of an overheating engine, and need to replace your radiator, make sure to make a practical choice that would save you money in the long run. It is important to find reliable shops with quality radiators for sale to ensure that your cooling system would operate smoothly for many years to come. Replacing your broken radiator can be as simple as going online to sites like and locating your car's year, make, and model from the long list of available radiators. This way is more convenient as you can view your choices from the comfort of your own home, and even have the unit delivered as quickly as this day or the next. An overheating car is no insignificant concern, and should be attended to before even running the engine. If you need a radiator replacement, you should bring your business only to the most reputable local shops with quality car radiators for sale. Otherwise, you’ll never beat the heat.